Calendar April 16, 2019 06:57

Elo boosting - how to climb the ranking ladder in League of Legends

League of Legends is a team-based competition game, that requires a lot of efforts not only from you but from all team members. There are a lot of articles, like "10000 tricks that increase your skill" but the real thing, that you need to memorize only 10, to efficiently increase your positions in the LoL competitive ladder. 

Macro - understanding how to play the game. Where to stand, where the enemy jungler is farming, where to ward, when to pick up the objective (turret, Nashor or Dragon), how not to miss the minions while ganking lines, and etc.

Understanding macro is very important for winning. You can have a micro like a god and finish off every creep on the line, but if an enemy jungler will come, you will be killed and you will lose 3 packs of creeps under your tower. And you will be in a situation much worse than the enemy, who "lose" the lane before the successful ganking attempt of the jungler.

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You can be Fizz with a score of 10-1 at the 20 minutes, but you have a farm, like an enemy forester (4 creeps per minute), and you will have slots like an enemy core ADC with a score of 1-2-2.

You can boast that in the normal you beat the diamond player on the line, but most likely, the diamond with the team took the Nashor while you were farming on the bot and won the game.  

Basic things you should do in League of Legends

But let's stop the lyrics and get straight to the point - 10 advice to win games in League of Legends:

  1. Never flame on your teammates. Even if you died on the lane, jungler came to kill 6 minions, and then the next 10 died under the tower;
  2. Dodge games. It doesn't affect your hidden MMR, but could positively affect on the win streak. There are a lot of situations when it would be more preferable to dodge game, then to carry it. For example - if you see that the team divides even in the champion choosing stage and starting to flame and whine on each other - then just dodge this game and find another with the better teammates;
  3. Control minions on the lane. You must practice to feel the lane, how many creeps you need to hold the lane. For example, if you have 2 or more mages they will push the lane giving an advantage to the enemy. When you will be skilled enough you could even create a mega-pack of minions to initiate a teamfight or push the turret;
  4. If you want to get back to the base to buy items and replenish your resources - then push the lane as far as you can. That will allow you to come back to the lane with the crucial items and send an enemy, that trying to outpush your minions, back to the fountain;
  5. Remember that the support after the laning stage transforms in the second "jungler" with the ward-item. Do not steal experience and gold from other core players, find a place for yourself somewhere else;
  6. Never stack 2 wards in the trinket slot, or you will be stuck in the Bronze or Silver division forever;
  7. If you playing as a Jungler and see a teamfight not so far from you, stop everything and run to your teammates to help them in the struggle;
  8. As a top laner, you need to use Teleport spell not only to get back on the lane after getting items at the base. If you see a ganking attempt at other lanes then use it to gain an advantage and soak a little more experience and gold for a kill;
  9. Understand an enemy jungler. Timings are important and the blue or the red buff is leading to some objective (dragon, turret and etc.);
  10. Liste to the shotcallings, especially if you are jungler. If you have a data that the enemy hero wasted his flash, you MUST gank him in 5 minutes. Otherwise, you are quite bad at the role you choose.

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I can expand this list easily, but this is the MOST important features that will boost you up to the Gold rank to receive Victorious rewards. If you want to get higher, I will write another guide a bit later, so stay with me! But if you still find this too hard, you could always use Elo Boosting service, like :)

Posted April 16, 2019 06:57

Calendar April 16, 2019 05:37

Urgot - time to change

Urgot players will finally have to alter how they perform the laning stage, in addition to the way they participate enemies from the late game. This is a result of the substantial modifications Riot is handing out to his E and W skills. 00:34

The capability of cooldown has also been radically reduced, moving from 17/15/13/11/9 minutes to 8/6/4/2/0.


Meanwhile, the Urgot's protector has been changed into his E capacity, Disdain. Its harm has also been corrected so it is more powerful in the first match, but a tiny bit poorer late. Disdain has also gone out of a level 50 mana price across all levels to 50/60/70/80/90 mana each level.

By transferring the defense to his E, then Urgot gamers might need to be far more cautious when deciding to trade. After the protector was on his W, folks could only spam the capability in the lane while not needing to be concerned about carrying too much harm. By deciding to participate with E, the two Urgot's defensive skills are now on cooldown, including a little more dangerous for the benefit.

Additionally, Urgot's legendary ultimate is becoming a massive enthusiast concerning its effective selection. Stress Beyond Death's scope was shifted from 1,600 units into a whopping 2,500 units, which makes it much more difficult to run away from the frightful titan. We'll have to find out whether these changes are going to help improve his drama speed, which has nosedived because of Patch 9.4.

Posted April 16, 2019 05:37